ClearBlade Unleashes Scalability in IoT and AI with Google Cloud

January 30, 2024

There are many benefits to working with a technology pioneer in the IoT Core market. One that is experienced in providing software to large enterprise customers worldwide is driven by a singular mission to provide the industry’s best IoT, digital twin, and edge AI software.

When Google Cloud announced that it was supporting a partner-led model for IoT solutions, companies could work with several Google IoT approved providers. ClearBlade was ready to differentiate itself by providing one of the most complete IoT Core services for Google Cloud’s customers.

“Our number-one goal was to make Google Cloud customers’ use of ClearBlade as easy and painless as possible,” said Eric Simone, CEO and Founder of ClearBlade, “while allowing them to remain on the industry’s best cloud, one they already knew and trusted.”

ClearBlade provided a free, automated migration from Google IoT Core to ClearBlade’s IoT Core service on the same Google Cloud. To make the shift seamless, we matched the existing Google Cloud IoT Core features 1-for-1, including authentication, certificates, device flows, Google Cloud integrations, and many more, so customers’ existing IoT solutions didn’t miss a beat.

ClearBlade is delivering one of the industry’s best IoT Core services a year later. We allow companies to expand into more advanced features of IoT data streaming, remote commands, digital twins, and edge AI. More than 250 Google Cloud IoT customers have migrated to ClearBlade, with more to come.

Driving the future  

ClearBlade offers much more than its IoT Core service. For over 16 years, we have been a leader in IoT, edge, and AI software development. We offer customers multiple services on Google Cloud Marketplace, including IoT Enterprise, Edge AI, and Intelligent Assets (digital twins). While ClearBlade software is cloud agnostic (it only requires a Linux OS), several years ago, we decided to work primarily with Google Cloud for its advanced capabilities. ClearBlade has migrated several customers from other cloud platforms to Google Cloud, enabling them to use Google Cloud’s world-class capabilities.

ClearBlade customers can choose their IoT journey by selecting the right service for their needs. Many high-volume customers start with IoT Enterprise for more advanced services or Intelligent Assets for a no-code, digital twin experience. Many customers use ClearBlade’s streaming capabilities to provide machine data into Google Cloud’s AI platform, Vertex AI, providing the fuel to create machine learning and generative AI models. Companies that want to incorporate edge computing or move their AI models to the edge can seamlessly add ClearBlade’s Edge AI software to expand their capabilities. 

The OG IoT and edge company

ClearBlade is an engineering-led company, and we pride ourselves on staying ahead of the curve. We were the first IoT software company to launch an edge product and add AI capabilities to its edge. Additionally, we are the only company whose cloud software stack is identical to our edge software stack, a massive advantage when moving processing and data between the edge and the cloud. We’re constantly thinking about what we need to have in place to meet customer needs five or ten years from now, ensuring our customers are years ahead of their competition.

Our team of engineers is constantly innovating.

Why ClearBlade?

One of the top reasons our customers choose us is the flexibility to deploy ClearBlade software in the cloud or at the edge and to connect with Google Cloud services in whatever way they want to stream their data. We’re closely tied to Google Cloud products, including BigQuery, a serverless, cost-effective multi-cloud data warehouse; Vertex AI, a cloud-based machine learning platform; Bigtable, a NoSQL database service; and Pub/Sub messaging middleware.

Another reason customers choose ClearBlade is scalability. Scaling to a few thousand devices is one thing, but the cost quickly spirals out of control when connecting millions of devices. Instead of building custom IoT solutions from scratch, ClearBlade leverages software already used by the world’s largest companies that is scalable, consistent, and repeatable.

How our customers are benefitting from ClearBlade and Google Cloud 

Here are five of the hundreds of customers who have benefited from ClearBlade’s partnership with Google Cloud. 

  • Mamava is transforming the breastfeeding culture by creating private lactation spaces in workplaces and public spaces. Mamava leverages ClearBlade to power its mobile app, offering seamless and on-demand access to its lactation pods. 
  • Naava drives people and the planet toward healthier, sustainable urban living by bringing the power of nature indoors. Naava relies on ClearBlade for real-time monitoring and data collection for its green wall systems.
  • Salicru ensures energy availability with the highest level of quality and reliability. Salicru uses ClearBlade to monitor and optimize uninterrupted power systems and solar inverters.
  • Tausight uses machine learning and natural language processing to automate detection and compliance with electronic personal health information (ePHI). Tausight trusts ClearBlade to identify ePHI data risks and secure global ePHI from cybersecurity risks and breaches.
  • Zimi delivers sustainable technology that works for you and our environment by taking out the complexity of connectivity. Zimi integrates its products with ClearBlade to deliver a seamless solution for connectivity and control.

Join the ClearBlade team on February 22, 2024, for an in-depth webinar on ClearBlade’s IoT Core, IoT Enterprise, IoT Edge, and Intelligent Assets solutions.

Schedule A 30 Minute Demo