Edge AI capabilities, a game-changer in the IoT space

June 10, 2024

AI has been making waves in various industries, including Edge AI. One company leading the charge in this space is ClearBlade, which runs AI models on assets in the field to gain real-time insights into safety, performance, and efficiency. These assets range from buildings and vehicles to solar panels and heavy equipment. Companies can better understand, command, and control their operations by applying AI models to the data these assets generate.

The ClearBlade Edge Platform

ClearBlade’s Edge Platform is a lean yet scalable solution for a faster, more reliable, and more secure IoT. It offers security encryption, authentication, and authorization of API access. It also provides strong integration capabilities with connectivity via MQTT, REST, sockets, and prebuilt patterns for BLE, Zigbee, Thread, and more.

One of the standout features of the ClearBlade Edge Platform is its common software stack. This allows your code to go wherever you need it. You can develop in the cloud and push to the edge or develop independent edge applications where customers experience them.

The Power of Edge AI

ClearBlade’s Edge AI capabilities transform how companies access machine data in the field to improve operations without steep network and cloud storage costs. It enables analytics and action triggering based on predefined rules. The engine is supported by full code runtime and Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) frameworks for edge AI executions.

Edge AI can capitalize on best-in-breed AI models for real-time inferencing, which generates real-time field insights that increase safety and performance without the expense of hosting large data sets in the cloud. For example, it can predict pipe leaks before they happen, flag a worker to get out of a dangerous situation or monitor bridge vibrations to detect anomalies that indicate potential failure.

Additional ClearBlade Edge AI Capabilities

  • The ability to run various types of AI models on assets in the field.
  • A no-code application connected to the real-time status of assets.
  • The use of Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA).
  • Fully connected or disconnected execution with automation, intelligent optimization, or self-learning systems.
  • Availability from the Google Cloud Marketplace.

These additional capabilities enhance ClearBlade as a comprehensive solution for businesses leveraging AI and IoT.

ClearBlade’s Edge AI Success Stories

  1. ClearBlade has been recognized for transforming how companies access machine data in the field to leverage AI models, improving operations without steep network and cloud storage costs.
  2. ClearBlade and SAS have been positioned as a leader in the 2024 SPARK Matrix™ for the global IoT Edge analytics platform market.
  3. ClearBlade was the first IoT software company to launch an edge product and add AI capabilities to it. It is also the only company whose cloud software stack is identical to its edge software stack.
  4. ClearBlade was named a Top 5 Edge Company by TechDogs.

These stories highlight the impact and success of ClearBlade’s Edge AI capabilities in various industries to solve real-world problems and improve operations.


ClearBlade’s Edge AI capabilities are a game-changer in the IoT space. They enable businesses to make real-time decisions based on the data their assets generate, leading to improved safety, performance, and efficiency. With its robust Edge Platform and advanced AI capabilities, ClearBlade is truly revolutionizing how we think about IoT and AI.

Are you interested in learning more about ClearBlade’s Edge AI capabilities? Contact us to learn more!

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